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Internet Price Risk…Buyer Beware

As the summer winds down, the all-important fall buying season for retailers is heating up. While the role of the retail buyer has never been easy, the advances in technology, savvy online retailers, as well as increased use of mobile devices, the job is now infinitely more challenging. Historically, retail buyers have managed a series Continue Reading...

Spot the Artist’s Mistake…A.K.A. Digital Marketing Defense

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and the explosion in digital media would tend to support that conclusion. In fact, a large part of marketing is “imagery management” and the concept of “association”. Certain things go together to help create concept. Very clean black and white cows, in a green Continue Reading...

Has Social Media made Brand Building irrelevant?

Without trying to sound too jaded, it seems to me, the less that is collectively known about a given subject, the more experts there are in the field. My case in point is the number of “experts” who are calling for the demise of brands due to the social media revolution. Social Media is so Continue Reading...

Managing the Brand “Experience”

How can a brand possibly deliver a consistent experience, if they don’t even know all the potential points-of-sale? The simple answer is they can’t. I recently had the pleasure of attending the BRITE conference at the Columbia Business School. This world class conference is focused on the intersection between brands, technology and innovation. The overarching Continue Reading...